Original Item: Only One Available. This is a very nice example of the standard issue 1907 pattern sling used on the 1903 Springfield rifle and the M1 Garand Rifle, made famous as the standard rifle of the U.S. military from WW2 to just before Vietnam.
M1907 WWII Leather Sling marked in very good condition. The Standard U.S. service rifle Sling at the time of the adoption of the M1917 "Enfield" rifle was the M1907 leather sling used with the M1903 Springfield. The M1907 Sling was adopted for use with the M1 Garand rifle in 1936. The M1907 Sling was used throughout WWII with the "M1" rifle. The adjustment hooks and hardware on early M1907 Slings were made of brass, while during WWII this was replaced with steel hardware with an oxide finish. The M1907 Sling was also utilized with the Winchester M1897 Trench Gun during WWI and on all WWII Winchester, Stevens, Ithaca, etc trench guns and riot guns equipped with slings.
The leather is in good condition and still soft, complete with heavy stitching and proper adjustment holes. The blacked brass and style of this sling lead us to believe it is WWII issue, but with no dates or maker marks, we cannot be certain. Both keeper loops are unfortunately missing. There is some cracking, but overall it is completely functional and serviceable. An excellent upgrade for any U.S. issue WW1 or WW2 rifle.